Weekly Weigh In Start of week 8 of my 90

By April 29, 2019 90 Day Challenge, News

Weekly Weigh In

Start of week 8 of my 90 Day challenge and 8 Weeks till our honeymoon!

I am trying to get my diet dialed back in and on track. I don't know what my end numbers will be, but I do know what I am trying to go for body look wise.

This has been a long journey and forever changing. Plans to do work if you stick to them. There is no magic pill, just hard work and determination!


Weekly Weigh In

Start of week 8 of my 90 Day challenge and 8 Weeks till our honeymoon!

I am trying to get my diet dialed back in and on track. I don’t know what my end numbers will be, but I do know what I am trying to go for body look wise.

This has been a long journey and forever changing. Plans to do work if you stick to them. There is no magic pill, just hard work and determination!
