Weekly Recap from bodybuilding.com for last week!
There is nothing better than an incredible week at the gym. You did over two times your average number of chest exercises this week, hitting two. You did a total of seven sets too. Most of your chest workout came from five sets of barbell bench press – medium grip you did. You were a beast during the exercise, lifting an average of 85 lbs. per set.
It wasn’t easy, but by gosh you did it. Nice work on doubling up your number of bicep exercises and sets this week. You tallied four sets over two different exercises, and 7% of your workouts included your biceps. The lone bicep lift you did was barbell curl, although you did average an awesome 48 lbs. per set.
Your shoulders must be throbbing after this week’s workouts. Your two exercises were much higher than normal, while you also did eight sets. Standing military press, at an average of 83 lbs. per set, was your only shoulder lift.
* Your shoulders just keep growing with your average standing military press weight going from 55 lbs. to 83 lbs. in the last month.
* With 10 hamstring sets, you did more than your three-month average of four. Way to get after it, buddy.
* The last few weeks of chest work have begun to pay dividends with your strength increasing quickly. Nice work!
* Your two shoulder exercises from this week are more than your three-month average. Good job!