Day 02:
Progress is progress no matter how litte or big that progress might be. I found one the best motivations for me in this journey is to look at back at my past progress and see where I got to before I decided to give up again. because I know that it is possible, just have to put in the effort! My goal is to not quit this time, this is a lifestyle change. This is really about building a better self. My current goal is to look good and feel good when we go on our Honeymoon/1st Anniversary trip to Cancun in June. I want to be pool ready, I know that is kind of a douchy and egotistical way to look at it. But come on, we all know that is always the driving force behind working out and losing weight. No matter what we tell ourselves. #workinprogress
Previous PostDay 03: Daily Motivation let's face it, the real reason
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