Slowly but surely chipping away.. I think found my path to getting my body where I want it to be. This has been a slow and steady process.
I am finally doing workouts that are fun to me and that I am looking forward too. I’ve been getting diet/eating ironed out. I don’t like the word diet, because this is to be a ongoing thing with me.
I’ve a got a workout and meal plan that is easily manageable for me. I’m not in the gym killing myself everyday and I am seeing results almost daily. I’m also not starving myself either. I’ve just been cutting back on certain things and trying to stay away from things I know are not good for me. But hey if I go off the rails and eat 5 tacos and Birthday cake at a birthday party.
It’s all good, it’s not a set back or a mistake.
I am working on living life to the fullest. #workinprogress